Happy New Year Local 1109. With 2019 here, many of our high school seniors are deep into their college applications process and some may have already decided on which school they will be attending. To help defray some of the cost of your child's education, CWA 1109, the CWA National Union, Union Plus and our vendor Nettworth Financial Group will be providing scholarships for qualified applicants. Below is information on these four scholarships, including application dates and the necessary forms needed to apply. Good luck to everyone applying.
We are also working with Nettworth Financial Group to host a retirement seminar on January 31st. I urge all members, not just those planning on retiring soon, to attend this important events. More details about the event are provided below.
Click here to download the application.
Union Plus Scholarship
Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $4 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education. Over 2,700 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation, supported in part by contributions from the provider of the Union Plus Credit Card. (You do not need to be a Union Plus Credit Card holder to apply for this scholarship.)
The deadline for this scholarship is January 31st. Click here to apply.