Plan on being there at 11:00 AM
9:30 am - 1110 South Ave in Staten Island
Regional Bargaining Report from President Rolando Scott
Friday July 22nd 2011
CWA District 1/IBEW Local 2213 Regional and Local Bargaining Teams met with the Company today at the Rye Town Hilton in Rye, NY. The Regional Committee made a comprehensive presentation on Contracting which included examples of all types of work - from all bargaining units. The Unions demanded that this work, being performed by several thousand contractors in the U.S. and off shore, be returned to our members. They emphasized to Verizon that the return of contracted jobs is a major issue for the Unions.
The Local Teams met throughout the day and into the evening on issues relating to their work rules and working conditions. The Local Teams are scheduled to resume discussions tomorrow and the Regional Team will resume their discussions on Monday.
Brothers and sisters with the mood and tone changing in Corporate America these past few months, Verizon must be feeling their oats! These rounds of bargaining in Westchester,NY and Philadelphia, PA are like nothing anyone has seen before. They have demanded every damn thing our union's have fought for and gained in the the last 50 years for our members. These gains have given us a middle class standard of living and the company wants it all BACK in one broad swoop. This is unacceptable! Verizon is an extremely profitable company. They just disclosed last quarters profits on Wall street yesterday.
This is about Jobs! Good Union Jobs! We demand Union Jobs here in America and NOT overseas! We CWA/IBEW must be prepared to fight and take it to the streets if necessary. We will achieve our goal for a fair and equitable contract with your support and solidarity. Therefore, every 1109 member must commit to attend the huge rally for our jobs on Saturday July 30th at Verizon's head quarters at 140 West street in lower NYC at 11am. Let's rock NYC like we did in 2008. Let's join our brother's and sister's from all over NY State, New England, NJ, PA, Delaware, VA. and Washington DC. Let's mobilize and send Verizon a strong message that we demand good union jobs and our fair share of the pie. Buses will leave the local at 9am. The local has a 2nd bus for our members who live in Staten Island or New Jersey leaving from our sister local 1102 on Staten Island. Call the local to sign up for either bus.
Remember this Tuesday July 26th at 6pm at the Flatlands Knights of Columbus at 3915 Flatlands Ave, there will be a special meeting for a strike authorization vote. Those members unable to attend the meeting may cast their vote at the local on Tues 1pm-5pm or on Wed. 7/27, 9am-3pm. Do a quality safe union job. Demand an escort when needed, take no short cuts. Short cuts means loss of jobs. Stay in touch with the tape for further updated information and remember ... In Unity there is strength!