Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A turnout of over 500 residents, civic organizations, Labor groups and our elected leaders for our Town Hall Meeting for a Fios build in Brookhaven. Special thanks to Supervisor Ed Romaine and Councilwoman Valerie Cartright for organizing this meeting with CWA. It was a great forum for residents and local leaders to speak publicly for a choice in their Internet, cable TV and phone provider.
Our speakers were Assemblymen Steve Englebright, Ed Hennessey, Al Graf, and Andrew Garbarino. Suffolk County Presiding Officer Du Wayne Gregory, and Suffolk Legislators Kate Browning, Rob Calarco, and Bill Lindsay III. Town Councilwoman Connie Kepert. Mastic Beach Mayor Bill Biondi and Trustee Bob Morrow (former President CWA 1108). Civic leaders Anita Halasz from L.I. Jobs with Justice and ABCO's Maryann Johnson. Labor leaders included Executive Director of the Long Island Federation of Labor Roger Clayman, CSEA President Nick Lamorte, IBEW 1049 Pat Guidice and Rick Fridell, CWA District 1 Pete Sikora, CWA 1104 President George Bloom and CWA 1108 President Don Dunn. We had a great showing of our Brothers and Sisters of 1109, 1108, 1104, 1102 (President Ed Luster) , 1101(Ken Beckett), UFCW 1500 (Anthony Speelman) and our Retirees Council.
The message was sent loud and clear! Verizon must come to Brookhaven and build out Fios. If they won't maintain their copper network then it is time to run their state of the art fiber network! Great job All! Extra special thanks to the Executive Board of 1108 and WFP's Aaron Abel. Stay tuned for what comes next in our campaign to bring choice to Brookhaven!
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