See links below to download the following:
- Disaster Relief Fund Member Handbook
- CWA National Disaster Relief Fund Application
- CWA District 1 Program Guidelines
- CWA District 1 Disaster Releif Fund Application
As President Cohen stated after Tuesday’s elections, “tens of thousands of our members, activists and volunteers stepped up and did amazing work, not only returning President Obama to office but in electing representatives who will stand with working Americans.” We can all be proud with the difference we made!
But while we relish the successes we must not forget the thousands of CWA members who have been affected by the previous week’s attack by Hurricane Sandy. Many are still without homes, electricity or suffering other hardships.
CWA Local Officers and members from across the country immediately began reaching out with inquiries on how they can best lend a helping hand wherever it was needed.
CWA’s Disaster Relief Fund is one resource to assist members who experience a financial hardship due to a natural disaster as declared by FEMA. The Fund may provide the member with a subsidy based on their essential losses associated with their primary home. Applications may be requested through your CWA Staff Represented.
In addition to our Disaster Relief Fund, we are setting up another fund that would assist our sisters and brothers who have suffered losses or hardships in ways other than to their primary home. But we need your help through contributions to this fund if we are going to be able to help those who are so desperately in need at this time.
Please share this request for donations to the CWA Disaster Relief – Hurricane Sandy Fund with your members, family and friends.
Donations should be made out and mailed to:
CWA Disaster Relief – Hurricane Sandy Fund
Secretary-Treasurer’s Office
501 3rd St, NW
Washington, DC 20001
I encourage all of us to once again step up and do amazing work to support our sisters and brothers in need by sending in your donations to the CWA Disaster Relief – Hurricane Sandy Fund. Together, we will continue to make a difference!