Wednesday, September 18, 2019

On Friday, September 20th, the CWA will be taking part in the Student Climate Strike Walkout, March & Rally.
With record-breaking temperatures, flooding, and storms in the last few months alone, we can clearly see that climate change is a real and pressing threat. Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - an objective, scientific body of the United Nations- issued a report that immediate and bold action must happen before 2030 to avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change. Pointing to the inspiration of the labor movement, young people are calling to "stop business as usual" and demand action from our elected officials. CWA stands in solidarity, calling for action on climate change while also recognizing the important opportunities in this crisis to create millions of good jobs and strengthen unions.
Events in New York City will be happening at the following times and locations:
12pm: Rally at 12pm in Foley Square followed by a march to Battery Park
3pm - 5pm: Rally in Battery Park followed by speeches from key climate leaders and activists

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