Tuesday, June 27, 2023

What is the Summer Camp Program?
The 2023 Summer Camp includes summer day programs as well as overnight camp programs and is made available through the Local and NY/NE Regional Work & Family CommiKees.
The fund will reimburse maximum of $2,000 per family for summer camp expenses.
Employees who parMcipate in the Dependent Care Reimbursement Fund (DCRF) during the school year can either conMnue to receive childcare reimbursements for their regular Dependent Care Expenses or if they wish they may enroll their child in a summer camp program.
Employees are prohibited from parCcipaCng in both programs concurrently.
One Step Summer Enrollment - June 18 - September 3, 2023
Eligible Employees
- IBEW 2213
- NY Management
Want an Application?
- Go to: www.regionalwfrc.com
- Click on 2023 Summer Camp ApplicaMon
- Complete ApplicaMon & Reimbursement forms
- AKach supporMng documents
- Mail completed applicaMon & all required documents to:
- Verizon Inc. c/o Beverly Steele - 120 Hicksville Road, Suite 200-A, Massapequa, NY 11758
- ApplicaMons must be postmarked no later than Friday, September 15, 2023 - No excepMons!
- Payout 12/15/23
What you need to know:
- The Company will be allowing employees the opportunity to apply for virtual summer camps this year.
- No annual income cap.
- Eligible age group 3 years but not yet 19 years of age.
- Dependents over the age of 19 with special needs or those who have been physically or medically diagnosed unable to care for themselves; who will be aKending Summer Camp Programs in 2023 are eligible for enrollment.
- Reimbursement up $2,000 total per family.
- If married, employee and spouse must be employed at the Mme the children are enrolled in camp.
- All payments must be made by a Verizon employee.
2023 Tax Requirements and ImplicaCons:
- Dependents must be listed on employee's 2022 IRS 1040 Form in order to be eligible for enrollment.
- W-2 for employee and spouse (if married)
- Self-employed spouse must submit proof of employment: (i.e. IRS Tax Form Schedule C.)
Submit page one & two of only 2022 IRS 1040 Form - Be sure to remove all social security number(s). Do not remove income figures
- Employees who are married, but filing separately, must submit their spouse’s 2022 IRS 1040 Form.
- Employee’s dependent children 3 years of age but not yet 13, will not be taxed.
Employee’s dependent children 13 years of age but not yet 19, will be taxed.Sleep away Camp is taxable regardless of age.
Employees must be in need of dependent care in order to work. Under federal law, employees and their spouse must be working during the hours their dependents are in care in order to make this a “tax-free” benefit. See IRS publicaMon 503 for detailed informaMon.
Check with your tax preparer for your tax obligaMons.
How do I know if my paperwork was received?
- You will receive confirmaMon of acceptance or denial at the email address you have provided.
When will employees be reimbursed?
- Reimbursement of expenses are paid aler the employee has incurred and paid their dependents summer camp expense.
- Reimbursement will show in associates paychecks December 15, 2023 and management paychecks December 22, 2023.
If your reimbursement is denied, you must appeal denial in writing within 45 days of notification of denial.
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