Cablevision illegally locked out 23 workers and permanently replaced them with Scab workers. Among the 23 workers were 10 of the 12 shop stewards for CWA Local 1109. The workers asked for a meeting with their Boss to speak about the lack of progress at the Bargaining Table. The Company brought all the workers into the conference room and made them wait there. They came back later and told them they were permanently replaced and called the cops to escort them out. They prevented Executive Vice President Chris Calabrese from entering the building to represent them. Today a broad based coalition of Labor, Community Leaders, and religious leader led by City Council Members Christine Quinn, Public Advocate Bill DiBlasio, Senator Eric Adams and many others, marched with the workers to Cablevision's door. They demanded that Cablevision hire the 23 workers back and demanded a meeting with upper management. As you can see from the video Cablevision was very disrespectful to the City Council and the workers. We are calling on all our members and allies to help support in this struggle. This is an attack on all of Labor and it cannot be tolerated.