Friday, June 28, 2013

We need every member to call the number above and urge your U.S. Senator to confirm the 5 NLRB Appointments and Senate Rules Change.
The National Labor Relations Board enforces the National Labor Relations Act, the principal law safeguarding your right to organize to improve your working conditions, whether or not you are in a union. Workers turn to the NLRB when they are illegally fired or otherwise prevented from working together for change. The NLRB is supposed to have five members that are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. But corporations have persuaded Republicans in the Senate to use silent filibusters to prevent a vote on President Obama's nominees.
The Board needs at least three members to make decisions. Two of the five seats on the NLRB are currently vacant and the term of another member will expire in August.Working people need and deserve a functioning National Labor Relations Board. The President has sent the names of five well-qualified nominees to the Senate. If we don't let our Senators know that the NLRB matters, Senate Republicans will continue to abuse the Senate rules and filibuster the nominees and Senate Democrats will not take action to overcome the filibuster.
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