Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We have buses leaving Local 1109 on Utica Ave at 6:30 am. We will also have a bus on Staten Island at Local 1102 leaving at 7 am. Please call the union office and give your name.
Thousands of CWA & IBEW workers will be gathering with Working people from across the Northeast. We will all be joining the national AFL-CIO, national Building and Construction Trades Department, and all our union brothers and sisters, community partners and political allies on Saturday, August 11, 2012 in Philadelphia to fight for the survival of America’s middle class and an economy that works for the 99%.
Organized labor built the middle class in our country and is now leading the charge to preserve it. Thousands upon thousands of union members, students, social activists, and community partners from across the country will converge in Philadelphia to send a message that the middle class cannot survive in an economy that only benefits the 1%. We will send a message that America is not a plutocracy to be governed by the ultra wealthy, but a democracy which bestows power to its people and equal opportunity to all. Reclaiming our democracy only works when we all participate. So mark your calendars for this rally and be there for yourselves, your family, and our country’s future.
Date: Saturday, August 11th, 2012
Time: 10 AM – 4:00 p.m.
Place: Eakins Oval (In front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art)
2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19130
America is the greatest country in the world because we never stop improving ourselves. And on August 11th we are going to recognize the need for a Second Bill of Rights to ensure the American Dream is there for our children as it was there for us. Details on overnight accommodations and transportation will be forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you there.
CWA 1109: We will meet promptly at 9:45 AM at 900 Race Street. Then at 10:30 we will march to Eakins Oval and join the 30,000 people expected. Wear Red, for more info visit or text StandUp to 69866.
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