When we asked that every member call to urge their U.S. Senator to confirm the 5 NLRB Appointments, we knew you would. As a result, and with the efforts of almost every local union in America, we are pleased to inform you that the US Senate voted to confirm a full package of nominations to the National Labor Relations Board. GOP Senators agreed to end their obstruction of any nomination made by President Obama. The two new NLRB nominations - Nancy Schiffer and Kent Hirozawa.have experience in Labor law and should be great additions to the Board.The NLRB is the last line of defense for workers in this country. We are thrilled to have a functioning board.Two other nominations, Richard Cordary to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Tom Perez as secretary of labor, were also confirmed. Working people's voices were heard, and thanks to everyone's support, millions of workers now will have a place to fight back when they are unjustly fired. We want to thank all of you who took the time to make the calls, you know who you are. This is how democracy works, so hold your heads high.