Message from President Tony Spina
August 15th is the 25th Anniversary of the death of Gerry Horgan. The Powerful video below explains why we wear red on Thursday - for unity and to memorialize our fallen brother Gerry Horgan. The video is 15 minutes and a tear-jerker - a must see for all in the CWA. It's empowering and I strongly suggest you all take a few minutes to watch the video.
Gerry died on Aug 15, 1989 from injuries sustained after being struck by a car, driven by a scab, while walking the picket line. On strike against the NYNEX Corporation fighting for medical benefits Gerry was the only CWA Member ever killed on a picket line. He was 34 years old and he left behind a wife and 2 young children.
Click here or the image below to watch "Gerry Horgan: A Voice In The Union" (n.d.)