Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Message from President Tony Spina
Monday, September 4th, is Labor Day. For some, it's just another three day weekend. For others, it marks the end of summer and, for our young ones, the beginning of a new school year. We must not forget however that it's a day we celebrate the men and women of Labor whose blood, sweat and tears built this country to make it the great country it is today. It's also a day we remember the great role that labor unions play in our country. Labor unions were formed to protect and defend the rights of the people in the workforce and to insure safe working conditions for all. They were formed so that management could not take our voice.
Labor Day is a chance to take time to appreciate your family, friends and Union Brothers and Sisters. We own this day because we earned this day, take pride in your Union and keep our unity and strength going!
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