Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving is here once again. As we sit down with our families and friends on Thursday to eat turkey, let's remember some things that we are thankful for. I know I am thankful for our union, the CWA, and especially Local 1109. I am thankful for our great members that have worked tirelessly to make our local strong. I know many are also thankful for good jobs and benefits that we have. These things were not given to you by the bosses, but rather were won through the work that you the members put in. Thank you for your efforts and the Local 1109 Staff and I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't forget Santa is coming to Local 1109 on Sunday, December 8th from 10:00 am till 3:00 pm. Members of 1109 can come with their children, receive a gift and take a picture with the real Santa.
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