Thursday, March 31, 2022

CWA 1109 members have been fighting over the last few weeks to ensure that broadband money is used to create good union jobs for New York and doesn't go to companies that are paying low wages or not taking care of their workers. I have included more about the campaign below as well as some photos of our members taking action. If you have not done so already, click the link below to contact your state representatives and ask them to support using broadband funding to create and maintain good jobs.
New York State is looking at $1.6 billion in funding for broadband. However, without any labor protections, this money could go to low-road contractors, often from out of state, who rush through jobs and compromise both worker safety and the quality of the networks.
Strong labor standards that protect workers and promote good jobs are a vital piece of expanding broadband access throughout New York. Public money should also prioritize fiber-based project to make sure all New Yorkers get the highest quality internet access.
Take action now to tell the legislature to include strong labor standards and a fiber preference for the broadband funding in the FY23 state budget! Send an email to your New York State Assemblymember and Senator to demand a State budget that ensures that all public dollars for broadband deployment support these strong labor standards!
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