Thursday, September 6, 2018

Tonight, September 6th, Governor Andrew Cuomo is joining CWA members for a special Teleconference Town Hall.
It's your chance to hear from him about the issues that matter most to our members:
- Protecting NY jobs and ending tax breaks for companies which ship jobs overseas
- Establishing safe staffing ratios for hospitals and nursing homes
- Fighting back against attacks on unions and protecting working people from the effects of the Janus v AFSCME ruling
The Tele-Town Hall is open to all CWA members in New York State. Join us to hear directly from the Governor and to ask him some questions about his plans for the future of New York State!
When: Thursday, September 6, 6:30pm
Where: Your phone! Sign up here and the Tele-Town will call you when it starts (you'll receive a call from a 518 area code, at 6:30pm on the 6th).
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