Friday, July 16, 2021

A Message from President Tony Spina
I hope this Wire finds you all safely enjoying your summer with your families. We have a few upcoming events we would like to bring to your attention. First, we have the Annual Brooklyn Cyclones game on Friday, August 27th, free for members and you can purchase tickets for your family. Second, we have two Golf Outings this year. On Friday, September 17th we will be holding the Brooklyn Golf Outing at Dyker Beach Golf Course and on Monday, October 4th we will be holding the Suffolk Division Golf Outing at the Brentwood Country Club, details for all events can be found below.
Below you will also find a couple of actions we are asking all of you to take. The CWA recently launched the Build Broadband Better campaign aimed at educating the public on the importance of building out broadband using skilled union labor. Also, the PRO Act as many of you already know will give power back to the hardworking unions and their members that has been stripped away over many years. It has passed the house and is now on to the Senate. Please read more below and click the links to sign the petitions.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, August 27th - Annual Brooklyn Cyclones Game - Details
- Friday, September 17th - 26th Annual Brooklyn Golf Outing - Details
- Monday, October 4th - Suffolk Division Annual Golf Outing - Details
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