Wednesday, September 26, 2018

This letter is to notify you that Verizon New York Inc.. Empire City Subway Company (Ltd). Verizon Corporate Services Corp., and Verizon Services Corp', (collectively "the Company") are declaring a surplus condition in 17 titles within Force Adjustment Areas ("FAAs") 1 through 6, as well as several Article 8 Units. The surplus titles and FAAs/Units together with the names, net credited service dates, and work locations of all employees affected are provided as attachments to this letter. To aleviate the surplus condition the Company will invoke the Force Adjustment Plan (FAP) of the collective bargaining agreement. This surplus condition has been determined by the Company to be due to a process change. The provisions of the respective FAP Articles 8(b) and 10 will not apply in this case.
If the Company uses the Enhanced Income Protection Pian (EiPP) under step three (3) 0f the FAP Article to alleviate the surplus, the Company will make Special EIPP offers to associates as described in Section XIV of the May 29, 2016 Memorandum of Understanding. Special EIPP offers will be tendered to those employees in the surplus titles and FAAs/Units involved by October 2. 2018. An employee's election to leave the service of the Company and receive Special EiPP payments must be in writing and transmitted to the Company within 15 days of the offer. in this case October 16, 2018. The off-payroll date for employees who accept the offer will be October 28, 2018, or possibly a later date. to be selected at the discretion of the Company. no later than April 27, 2019. Click here to download the letter and affected positions.
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